Posted in Advice, Auto Immune Diseases, Cimzia, Knee Drains, knee surgery, Methotrexate, Otezla, psoriatic arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis Warriors, Uncategorized

Cimzia and Knee Surgery….

After a few months of treating my insane psoriatic arthritis flare up, my doctor has approved me for starting the biologic Cimzia. Since I am allergic to both Remicade and Humira… I am not sure how my body will be responding to this next biologic. I can only hope that my body can tolerate it, because I do not want to be on methotrexate or prednisone tapers for the rest of my life and existence. I know that something has got to give…literally. Since quite a few months have gone after stopping Otezla, my psoriasis still seems to be just has bad as when I first stopped taking the Otezla. Sure my light treatments help, but it is still here with vengeance. It could possibly be from stress, the poisonous water around here, or just my body still trying to figure itself out. I thought for sure that the methotrexate would have calmed down the psoriasis, but it isn’t doing a damn thing. I have been patient waiting for it to get better, but it just seems to be the same day in and day out. No better and certainly no worse. Of course I have used topicals to try to relieve some of the discomfort of my skin lesions, but who wants to do that day in and day out, over and over again…like a dermatological robot. I see my rheumatologist in  2 weeks and hopefully will get my first two introductory doses of the Cimzia. I hope and pray that this biologic is the answer. If not, I am running out of options slowly but surely. I just cannot keep getting my knee drained every 4-6 weeks and have 300 cc’s of fluid just pour out of it. 

Along with the Cimzia injections, I am going to be getting arthroscopic knee surgery on my right knee in a few weeks (eek!!!!!!). My knee specialist/orthopedic surgeon, will go in arthroscopic-ally access the major damage, repair my three meniscus tears, remove a cyst, and do a partial synovialectomy to remove part of the synovial membrane that is inflamed (synovitis) and causing all of this excess fluid build up. I opted for surgery option number 1 because it is the least invasive, and the recovery is very quick. I should be up and walking right away after this surgery with the help of physical therapy of course. I am hoping that this surgery will be a game changer for my knee and for myself in general.

If this surgery does not work, then I will need surgery option number 2. Surgery 2 means that the doctor makes a massive incision, moves my knee cap, removes the entire synovial tissues (whole synovialectomy) puts my knee cap back, and stitches me up (or staples…who knows). The recovery would be long, and require me to be in a brace in which I wouldn’t be able to move my knee. This surgery scared me a bit, considering that it would be more involved and move invasive…I just don’t think I am ready for that kind of surgery just yet. In addition, this specialist told me that  I will more than likely need a knee replacement in the next 10-15 years. Hearing that also scared me. I am only 33, but I never dreamed of having any surgeries like this of any kind any time soon. I thought maybe somewhere along the line yes, but not in my 30’s. 

It appears that my psoriatic arthritis isn’t showing any signs of slowing down or giving me a break and I am ok with that. I am ok with the fact that this card was dealt to me, because I am strong enough to handle it, and I won’t let it define me.

I must keep fighting and forging ahead. I have to keep trying every option, until I find something that works. There is no “right answer” as to how to treat this aggressive and debilitating form of arthritis. Just a matter of finding the best fight for each individual case. 

Keep on fighting my friends…and fighting the good fight. I am here for you. You are not alone!!!!

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