Posted in Advice, Auto Immune Diseases, Awesome Life, Badass, Energy Levels, Family, Health and Fitness, Life, Lifestyle, Living my best life, psa, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis Warriors, Spoonie, Spoonie Strong, Stamina, Weekend Warrior

Weekend Warrior

Not only are we PsA Warriors, but we are Weekend Warriors!

I don’t know about you, but some weekends I just want to do absolutely nothing. My body is telling me to slow down and take it easy. My body sometimes is just putting on the brakes…..I sometimes feel a bit sluggish or achy…

Rest is so important when you have psoriatic arthritis and allowing yourself to take that much needed break is vital, especially on the weekends!

Some weekends, I have 1,000 things to do on my to-do list. Some weekends, I have only a few things to do…either way, I always try to make time to just stop, breathe, and relax. You need to do this as well. NO EXCUSES! The weekend is when I can recharge my PsA battery so I can take on the next week, and tackle any obstacles that come my way.

Without recharging my PsA battery, I am doomed right on Monday morning. I can feel my body shutting down…I can feel my brain fog settling in…I can feel my eyes hurting…I am just not as sharp as I need to be! My body needs a full recharge or the start of the new week, is a NIGHTMARE!

hands in a heart shape

Sometimes my weekends have other plans…Work, family obligations, weddings, parties, travel, chores, and cleaning….but that doesn’t mean I don’t take time for myself. When you have PsA you have to be a little self-centered sometimes. You have to tell people you need a break sometimes. You have to be vocal about your needs/wants. You also have the right to rest. If someone in your life is not allowing you to rest, that’s a problem. Learn to say no, not yes! Never, ever say yes to doing something when you know your PsA wants you to say no! I learned that lesson over the years, and it have fully changed my life.

People in your life will understand. And if they don’t? Get rid of them. Toxic people who do not allow you to rest or say no to doing certain things, need to go…say goodbye! Out with the negative, in with the positive! You need people in your life who understand your condition, understand that you need rest, and most of all, are just patient with you and your feelings.

You have the right to be a PsA Warrior and a Weekend Warrior (even if that means you don’t leave the couch and live in your PJS)….because after-all…we need to sometimes!!!!

Posted in Advice, amazon, Awesome Life, Chronic Illness, Hacks, Invisible Illness, Life, Lifestyle, Living my best life, Must-Have List!, psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis Warriors, Spoonie, Uncategorized

Chronic Lifestyle Hacks!

We all could use a hack or two or three here and there….and these are the absolute best hacks I could think of to share with my followers, groupies, and fellow warriors!!

The first hack is simple:

You need Amazon PRIME!

Why? Because who doesn’t love free shipping in two days! You can literally get everything you need right at your fingertips, without leaving the house….and it comes right to you! I don’t know what I would do without my prime membership!!!

Prime is just $5.99/month for qualifying customers in select U.S. government assistance programs such as holders of the EBT card. –

Plus: Enjoy the benefits of Prime at almost 50% off the regular monthly price

Click here to enroll in PRIME!!—->

The second super life-changing hack is:


There are some days I cannot even get dressed, let alone get into my car, drive, and physically go into a supermarket or store to go grocery shopping…some days IT AIN’T HAPPENING!!! So why even bother? Why even try on those days to overexert myself or even attempt something I know will end up being a big fail? The answer is AMAZON-FRESH! Seriously…a game changer for anyone with a chronic, debilitating illness, that needs their groceries, STAT!

Click here to take advantage of the FREE TRIAL (YES FREE!)

The third game-changing lifestyle hack is:


Save yourself a trip to the store, and enjoy access to exclusive selection of low-priced items in everyday sizes with Prime Pantry. After the free trial period, Prime customers pay just $4.99 per month to receive free shipping on Pantry orders $10 or more. All Prime Pantry boxes are shipped using ground shipping, and may take 1-4 business days to arrive.

Click here to try it:

The fourth fun lifestyle hack is:


Because..we could all use some more music in our lives!! To sing to, dance to, fall asleep to, drive with, mediate, travel, and just relax to!! You can literally listen to tens of millions of songs on any device anywhere, available for both Prime and Non-Prime members!! Plus they let you have an unlimited FREE TRIAL! Yes FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!

Start your trial today!

The fifth fancy lifestyle hack is:


Need something done around the house? Like, literally anything from small to big to hey I don’t even know where to being kind of project?

Check out Amazon Home Services!

I bet you had no idea that Amazon Home Services offers customers over a thousand different services from quality, hand-picked pros and backed by Amazon’s Happiness Guarantee. Top services available for Customers to purchase include: *House Cleaning *TV Wall Mounting *Smart Home Device Installation *Equipment and Furniture Assembly *Plumbing and Electrical *Handyman *House Painting*

Try Amazon Home Services Today:

The sixth fabulous find in our hacking game is:

Amazon Kindle! (Duh)

Who doesn’t love to just sit around (while suffering) and read? I know I do….especially when I am having a really bad flare-up and just need to keep my mind off of life for awhile…I always grab my tablet and read a great book to escape reality for awhile! Try a kindle unlimited membership plan today! Why? Here’s why….

Did you know that Kindle Unlimited 6, 12 and 24-month membership plans are available? You will receive access to *Unlimited reading from over 1 million ebooks *Unlimited listening to thousands of audio-books *Read on any device *Membership plans are also gift-able

Try Kindle today!

Our seventh super hack is: Amazon Prime 30-Day Free Trial!

Did you know that Amazon prime membership programs offers all kinds of special benefits including: * Instantly watch thousands of movies and TV episodes * Borrow Kindle books * Get unlimited FREE two-day shipping (no minimum order size)???

What are you waiting for? Sign up NOW!

Our eighth hack is a No-Brainer! Audible!!

If you don’t want to read books, you can listen to them! I love using audible in the car and while I wait at doctors offices! It keeps me relaxed, calm, and listening to my favorite books! If you are a student, you can even listen to your textbooks, instead of reading them. This is the best hack ever…especially if your eyes hurt (like mine do from my PsA) and I just want to listen to a book instead of read it!

Amazon has all kinds of free audible trials going on right now! Sign up for an Audible Gift Membership, which is available in 1, 3, 6 and 12-month membership options! Sign up today for a free trial, and earn two free Audiobooks!

Try your free trial now!—->

Our Nifty ninth hack is: AMAZON FAMILY!!!

Do you have a family? Why not try a free 30 day trial with Amazon Family!? Amazon Family offers special benefits including: *Save 20% on diapers subscriptions *Exclusive Coupons and Deals from Amazon Family *Exclusive Baby Registry benefits *FREE Two-Day Shipping on millions of items *Unlimited instant streaming of thousands of movies and TV shows *Unlimited, ad-free streaming of over a million songs and more Prime benefits!

Try your free 30 day trial now:

Our terrific last tenth hack is: Amazon Business Account!

Do you own a business? This final hack is a game-changer for so many smart, savvy, business owners!!! It is the Amazon you love, for work. Make workplace procurement easier with convenient delivery options, simplified purchasing workflows, multiple payment options, and a competitive marketplace with business-only pricing and quantity discounts. Anyone who makes purchases for work (eg. procurement specialists, office administration, IT departments, etc.) can create a free account for their business. Customer must be from a verified business in order to successfully create their Amazon Business account.

Start your Amazon Business Account Today!